Sister lost sight of
Michelle among the crowd of people. She scooted over to the right to
try to find her again, and almost fell off the wooden bench she had
been sitting on. Startled, she looked down for a moment, and when
she looked back the crowd had dispersed, and she was in a different
place. It was no less noisy or brightly lit, but the room was much
larger with a far higher ceiling, and here the people bustled to and
fro rather than chatting, ducking in and out of various rooms as they
went. She looked behind herself, and was shocked to find a tree
growing there, in the middle of the room. She placed a curious hand
on it, and it felt real enough, when she heard a familiar voice.
“I’m glad you
could make it!” Michelle called to her. Sister turned to look at
her. She was wearing a black shirt and blue pants this time. “Come
on, let’s go”, she said, turning her back and walking away.
Sister had to walk quickly to catch up with her. “Where are we
going?” she asked.
“One of my
favourite places.” Sister fell in step beside her, and Michelle
turned to her. “I’m sorry for snubbing you back at the party.
Next time, you can ditch me for a guy, then we’ll be even. But
you’ll have to find a different one, Steven’s mine now!” she
“Oh, that’s
good” Sister replied, not really understanding what was so funny.
“Steven’s yours now?”
“He calls me every
day, and we’ve been out a few times since then. He’s such a
sweetie. But still, it’s nice to get some girl time, you know?”
“Steven was the
man you danced with at the party, right?”
“Wow, you really
get over guys fast”, she gave Sister a strange look, but didn't
press the issue futher. Sister walked along silently after that,
trying to make sense of where she was and why she was there. “We’re
here!”, Michelle announced happily, and they walked through an open
entryway to a large room.
Sister had never seen so
many clothes in one place. Dresses and skirts lined every wall, and
hundreds of shirts and pants were set up in rows along the floor.
“Isn’t it great?” said Michelle, noticing her stunned
expression. Sister nodded and followed along as they walked through
the isles.
“What do you think
about this one?” asked Michelle, picking up a blue dress from off
the wall and holding it in front of herself.
“It’s blue.”
“Well, I can see
that.” She pressed the dress against her body and tilted her head.
“Do you think this would bring out my curves?”
“I guess so.”
Sister wasn’t sure which curves she meant, and she decided not to
Michelle looked it over
again, then wrapped it over her arm. “I guess I’ll try this one
on. Oh, and that one. Do you see anything you like?”
“I’m not sure.
There’s too many to choose from.”
She shook her head. “You
really don’t get out much, do you? You’ve got a slender frame
and a small bust, so you’d do best with something simple and cute.
Like this one”, she draped a green dress over Sister's arm. “Ah
yes, that goes perfectly with that blank expression you always have
on your face. Let’s go try these on.”
Michelle led them towards
the back of the room where there were a number of small stalls. She
seemed in much higher spirits than she had been at the party, but
Sister didn’t share her mood. She was trying to figure out why she
was still here. “You do know how to put on a dress, right?”
Michelle asked her from an adjacent stall. Sister changed out of her
clothes and into the green dress. It was a bit tight and hard to
move about in. “So, let’s see how it looks.”
“Oh, yes”, she
said, a big smile on her face, “it’s perfect. It really shows
off your figure. That'll drive the boys mad.” She paused. “You
know, you probably shouldn't wear that around Steven, just to be
“Okay, I try not
to make people mad.”
She laughed. “You’ve
got a weird sense of humour. But I’m sure you’d like to be with
someone, whether you know them yet or not. You should take that
dress and show a little initiative, you know? But not with Steven,
he's mine.”
Suddenly, there was a
ringing sound. Michelle reached into her bag and pulled out a small
phone. “Speak of the devil!”, she said, excitedly placing the
phone to her ear.
Michelle’s voice echoed through the phone. “Can you believe it?”
“Can I believe
what?” Sister replied, and then she almost dropped the receiver.
She was no longer in the room with all the clothes, she was now in a
much smaller room, with a single chair, a table, and a wide padded
bench. She was standing near a table, holding a phone in her hand,
and there were no windows, giving her no idea where she might be.
“What’s going on?”, she demanded of the phone.
“Steven asked me
to marry him!” Michelle half-shouted back at her. Sister held the
phone farther away from her ear. “He what?”
“We probably won’t
get married right away, because we have to finish school, but- Oh!
It’s going to be so wonderful! And to think I was so worried when
he went away to go to university…”
Sister was used to being
talked at rather than to, but this was too much. “Wait, slow down,
”Of course you can be a bridesmaid”, she said, cutting Sister off, “that’s why I called you! We’ll get to go dress shopping again, won’t that be fun?”
”Of course you can be a bridesmaid”, she said, cutting Sister off, “that’s why I called you! We’ll get to go dress shopping again, won’t that be fun?”
Sister put the phone down
on the table and stepped away. Something was terribly wrong. She
felt a bit dizzy, and put her hand on one of the walls to steady
herself. “Hello?” came a voice from the phone, and then, a
little more timidly “aren’t you happy for me?”, but Sister paid
no attention to it. She merely ran her hand along the wall until she
came to the door and opened it. She took a deep breath and stepped
The hallway beyond was
dark and featureless. Like the room she had just been in, there were
no windows here either. “The sky”, Sister thought to herself, “I
have to find it.” She tried the first door on her right, but the
handle didn’t turn, even when she twisted it firmly. She spied
another door at the end of the hallway, but when she got closer she
found that it didn’t even have a handle. She tried to ram the door
with her shoulder, but it hurt and the door didn’t budge an inch.
Feeling defeated, she slumped down in front of the door. The only
light was coming from the room she had left. She crawled back to the
table and picked up the phone. “Help me”, she begged weakly, but
there was no response. She lay on the ground, holding the phone,
listening for something, anything, some kind of way out. She waited,
and waited, and then she thought she heard a faint tapping sound.
She opened her eyes, and forced herself to stand up. Tap, tap, tap.
It was coming from above her, and the tapping was getting faster.
Rain! The ocean had come to take her away!
She rushed out the door,
into the hallway, and the tapping became louder. It grew louder and
faster still as she approached the door with no handle at the end of
the hall. Steeling herself, she took a few steps backward and
charged at the door, but this time it opened easily, and she tumbled
to the ground beyond it. It was wet, and she could feel the rain on
the back of her head. She looked up. The sky was a dark grey, and
the rain was falling heavily. “It’s finally time”, she
thought, “time to go home.” She picked herself up, and stepped
away from the building. In front of her, a paved street was flanked
by several outdoor lamps, and behind the street lay an expanse of
trees. She looked about, but the street merely continued on as far
as she could see in each direction. The only bodies of water she
could see were some small puddles on the street, and they were far
too small for a ship. As she stared into the puddle, she could see
that the rain was coming from her left, so she started walking that
way. The rain beat against her face as she walked, and it was
getting darker. Suddenly, she saw a pair of lights approaching her.
Feeling hopeful, she ran towards them, but as they got closer she
could see that it was only some sort of small vehicle and not a ship.
The vehicle slowed as it drew close to her, and the door opened.
“Get inside”, Michelle said, solemnly, “I’ll explain
“What’s going
on?”, Sister asked as she closed the door behind herself. The
vehicle began to move forward.
“We had a fight”,
Michelle said in a voice scarcely above a whisper. “A bad one.
It’s over.”
“Is this the end?”
Sister asked as she peered out the window in front of her, looking
for her ship. The rain continued to fall, and the sky was dark now.
“Yes.” said
Michelle, her voice broken up. “We hadn’t spoken in a while, and
then… she came into the picture. He insisted there was nothing
going on, but I didn’t believe… and then he said I was being too
possessive, and that I should just trust him, and I said…” She
was sobbing. Sister couldn’t help but feel bad for her. She put a
hand on her back. “…I said I never wanted to see him again.”
“I thought you two
were very close?”, she asked, but Michelle merely sobbed. Sister
sighed. It wasn’t the kind of explanation she had been hoping for.
She stared out the window to her right. Still the rain fell, and it
was pitch black out. “We’ll be home soon”, she said. Michelle
“I don’t know
what I’m going to do.” she said, sniffling. Sister spied another
set of bright lights off in the distance in front of them. “I had
so much of my life planned out. After we graduated, we were going to
get married in the fall.” The lights drew closer, and a large
figure came into view. Possibly large enough to be the ship! “After
we got married, we would get a small apartment in the city. Nothing
fancy, not for a while.” The figure drew closer. It was not the
ship, it was a vehicle similar to the one they were in, but much
larger. “After we had some more money, then we’d get a house in
the country. The kind of place where you could raise a family.”
The lights came closer still. Too close. “But what good are all
those plans now? Now I have nothing!”
“STOP!!” Sister
cried at the top of her lungs. Michelle jolted back to her senses,
and there was a horrible screeching sound. The other vehicle got
closer and closer. Michelle screamed, and Sister slammed her eyes
shut as tight as they would go.

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